Bug 1601887 Comment 6 Edit History

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(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #4)
> Christoph, could you explain why many tests now fail, not timeout?

Previously we loaded about:blank which caused the onload event to fire. Now we are loading an error page and tests are basically checking
  testframe.contentDocument == null

which is not the case because loading the error page resuts in [object HTMLDocument].

> What is missing to get the tests pass?
Otherwise tests would pass.
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #4)
> Christoph, could you explain why many tests now fail, not timeout?

Previously we loaded about:blank which caused the onload event to fire. Now we are loading an error page and tests are basically checking
> testframe.contentDocument == null

which is not the case because loading the error page resuts in [object HTMLDocument].

> What is missing to get the tests pass?

Otherwise tests would pass.

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