The search datasets, especially for mobile, have many different possible values for the same search engine. e.g. `ddg`, `duckduckgo`, `DuckDuckGo` It would be useful to have a normalized list so that doing analysis wouldn't require a long case statement. We can create a static table of mappings that can be joined on the search data to get a normalized engine column. We can also do this during table population so that the columns are in search clients daily so a join isn't necessary during analysis. We'll likely end up following the approach of bug 1591207 (whatever that ends up being)
Bug 1602019 Comment 0 Edit History
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The search datasets, especially for mobile, have many different possible values for the same search engine. e.g. `ddg`, `duckduckgo`, `DuckDuckGo` It would be useful to have a normalized list so that doing analysis wouldn't require a long case statement. We can create a static table of mappings that can be joined on the search data to get a normalized engine column. We can also do this during table population so that the columns are in search clients daily so a join isn't necessary during analysis. We'll likely end up following the approach of bug 1591207 (whatever that ends up being) edit: probably only for major search engines