Bug 1611619 Comment 0 Edit History

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Being on a train in the middle of rural Germany gave me a unique sampling of errors. Among them:

- Something something secure connection `PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR` (I think this came from our NSS code). We should never put NSPR error codes in there, and should handle them gracefully. If anything, it should probably indicate that the connection was interrupted.
- https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/d48b18fa27315206bf68d4dac82bc4e27a3f138e/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd#196 . This tells me to "inform the website owners". I mean, that's great, except Mozilla are the website owners and it's not their fault, it's a transmission error relating to the 4g-over-wifi connection used by the train and my laptop. :-)

I'll add more if I see other ones over the next 2.5 hours...
Being on a train in the middle of rural Germany gave me a unique sampling of errors. Among them:

- "An error occurred during a connection to berlinallhandsjanuary2020.sched.com. `PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR`" (I think this came from our NSS code). We should never put NSPR error codes in there, and should handle them gracefully. If anything, it should probably indicate that the connection was interrupted.
- https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/d48b18fa27315206bf68d4dac82bc4e27a3f138e/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/overrides/netError.dtd#196 . This tells me to "inform the website owners". I mean, that's great, except Mozilla are the website owners and it's not their fault, it's a transmission error relating to the 4g-over-wifi connection used by the train and my laptop. :-)

I'll add more if I see other ones over the next 2.5 hours...

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