**Affected platforms:** Windows 10 x64 **Affected versions:** All **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Launch Firefox 2. Go facebook.com, twitter or wikipedia 3. Save 2 set of credentials 4. Reload the form and focus out of the Firefox Tab 5. Right click into the username or password field **Expected:** Only the Context Menu should be displayed **Actual:** The autocomplete dropdown and the context menu are displayed int he same time. Reproducible for the username and password field. **Regression-Range**: Not a regression, can reproduce back to F70 Similar to Bug 1337259, but requires the user to focus out of the Firefox Window
Bug 1614920 Comment 0 Edit History
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**Affected platforms:** Windows 10 x64 **Affected versions:** All **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Launch Firefox 2. Go facebook.com, twitter or wikipedia 3. Save 2 set of credentials 4. Reload the form and focus out of the Firefox Tab 5. Right click into the username or password field **Expected:** Only the Context Menu should be displayed **Actual:** The autocomplete dropdown and the context menu are displayed int he same time. Reproducible for the username and password field. **Regression-Range**: Not a regression, can reproduce back to F70 Similar to Bug 1337259, but requires the user to focus out of the Firefox Window **Note:** It takes a bit of timing to reproduce it reliably.