Bug 1615833 Comment 9 Edit History

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Thanks for the file. I looks like you select several folders but I'm not sure of which folder name has the problem. I see folders 

MediumWave Circle-L
plus Inbox and Trash

selected at different points in the log. Assuming NRC-AM-L is a problem folder, how many unread messages did tb indicate and how many messages were visibly listed? Same information for other problem folder recorded in the log would help too.

Also, I assume that if you select folder NRC-AM-L and all the messages are not visible, then you select something else, e.g., Topband-L, and then go back to NRC-AM-L that you still don't see all the expected messages? Only tb restart shows them?
Thanks for the file. It looks like you select several folders but I'm not sure of which folder name has the problem. I see folders 

MediumWave Circle-L
plus Inbox and Trash

selected at different points in the log. Assuming NRC-AM-L is a problem folder, how many unread messages did tb indicate and how many messages were visibly listed? Same information for other problem folder recorded in the log would help too.

Also, I assume that if you select folder NRC-AM-L and all the messages are not visible, then you select something else, e.g., Topband-L, and then go back to NRC-AM-L that you still don't see all the expected messages? Only tb restart shows them?

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