One of the last time I got a response back from Guangwei Wang regarding a possible 2.2.1 release was "Got it. So I suppose that you will create other PRs for Frame ordering bug. Will public v2.2.1 after this PRs are merged." So it seems whomever on the OpenH264 / githib side that needs to merge the fixes for a 2.2.1 release needs to step up and do so and have Guangwei Wang push a release.
Bug 1619988 Comment 22 Edit History
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One of the last time I got a response back from Guangwei Wang regarding a possible 2.2.1 release was "Got it. So I suppose that you will create other PRs for Frame ordering bug. Will public v2.2.1 after this PRs are merged." So it seems whomever on the OpenH264 / github side that needs to merge the fixes for a 2.2.1 release needs to step up and do so and have Guangwei Wang push a release.
One of the last times I got a response back from Guangwei Wang regarding a possible 2.2.1 release was "Got it. So I suppose that you will create other PRs for Frame ordering bug. Will public v2.2.1 after this PRs are merged." So it seems whomever on the OpenH264 / github side that needs to merge the fixes for a 2.2.1 release needs to step up and do so and have Guangwei Wang push a release.