(In reply to Glenn Watson [:gw] from comment #8) > I can see why this is occurring. The size of the virtual surface we create is `VIRTUAL_OFFSET * 2` and everything is centered around `VIRTUAL_OFFSET`. However, the y-coordinate is > `2 * VIRTUAL_OFFSET` so it's outside the valid range. > > A temporary fix might be to just make `VIRTUAL_OFFSET` much larger - I think the maximum virtual surface size is 16 * 1024 * 1024. This shouldn't have any adverse effects on performance or memory allocation. When I tried 16 * 1024 * 1024 size, the error did not happen at http://www.jagregory.com/abrash-black-book. But bottom of the page did not rendered.
Bug 1620147 Comment 10 Edit History
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(In reply to Glenn Watson [:gw] from comment #8) > I can see why this is occurring. The size of the virtual surface we create is `VIRTUAL_OFFSET * 2` and everything is centered around `VIRTUAL_OFFSET`. However, the y-coordinate is > `2 * VIRTUAL_OFFSET` so it's outside the valid range. > > A temporary fix might be to just make `VIRTUAL_OFFSET` much larger - I think the maximum virtual surface size is 16 * 1024 * 1024. This shouldn't have any adverse effects on performance or memory allocation. When I just tried 16 * 1024 * 1024 size, the error did not happen at http://www.jagregory.com/abrash-black-book. But bottom of the page did not rendered.