Bug 1628095 Comment 16 Edit History

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Another detail to consider:

Some people have a very big key. Because I have participated in "key signing parties" in the past, many people have signed my key, and it's currently 107 KB big. That's a lot of data to include in every signed message.

The information is helpful for people who are using the web of trust, and want to use the contained signatures for deciding if they accept my key.

It's possible to create a minimal version of your own key, which excludes the signatures from other people. (For RNP, we're waiting for a feature enhancement to do that: https://github.com/rnpgp/rnp/issues/1006 ).

For users who start using Thunderbird, and create a new key, their key will remain small (until we'll implement key signing in a later version of TB).

We could potentially include the minimal version of the key, whenever we automatically include the key. However, we'll probably need a UI switch that allows the user to attach the full version of the key instead.

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