Bug 1633322 Comment 33 Edit History

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The early-return path in the `AddInputBlockCallback()` case still needs to be perform the `window->ProcessUntransformedAPZEvent()` stuff, as that's what actually dispatches the event to Gecko. With that change to your patch, Google Maps seems to be working fine (and producing `aHandledByRootApzc = false`).
The early-return path in the `AddInputBlockCallback()` case still needs to perform the `window->ProcessUntransformedAPZEvent()` stuff, as that's what actually dispatches the event to Gecko. With that change to your patch, Google Maps seems to be working fine (and producing `aHandledByRootApzc = false`).
The early-return path in the `AddInputBlockCallback()` case still needs to perform the `window->ProcessUntransformedAPZEvent()` stuff, as that's what actually dispatches the event to content. With that change to your patch, Google Maps seems to be working fine (and producing `aHandledByRootApzc = false`).

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