We'd like to ship WebRender to more users in 78: - Win 10 - Both laptops and desktops with small and medium screens - Modern Intel GPUs (gen 9+)
Bug 1636225 Comment 0 Edit History
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We'd like to ship WebRender to more users in 78: - Win 10 - Both laptops and desktops with small and medium screens - Modern Intel GPUs (gen 9+) This was enabled in Nightly in 75 by bug 1615015
We'd like to ship WebRender to more users in 78: - Win 10 - Both laptops and desktops with medium (<= 3440x1440) and large screens (> 3440x1440) - Modern Intel GPUs (gen 9+) This was enabled in Nightly in 75 by bug 1615015