**STR** 1. Run latest nightly with apz.allow_zooming=true 2. Load https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1556556 3. Observe that at unit zoom, there are no viewport scrollbars. This is because the document is sized to the layout viewport, and at unit zoom, the visual viewport coincides with the layout viewport. (The scrollbar which does appear is for a subframe.) 4. Pinch-zoom in, thereby causing the visual and layout viewports to diverge. 5. Observe that a horizontal viewport scrollbar appears. **Expected results** A vetical viewport scrollbar appears as well. (Since the visual and layout viewports are aspect-ratio locked, it follows that if the visual viewport becomes smaller than the layout viewport in the horizontal dimension, it must do so in the vertical dimension as well.) **Actual results** A vertical viewport scrollbar does not appear.
Bug 1636277 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**STR** 1. Run latest nightly with `apz.allow_zooming=true` 2. Load https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1556556 3. Observe that at unit zoom, there are no viewport scrollbars. This is because the document is sized to the layout viewport, and at unit zoom, the visual viewport coincides with the layout viewport. (The scrollbar which does appear is for a subframe.) 4. Pinch-zoom in, thereby causing the visual and layout viewports to diverge. 5. Observe that a horizontal viewport scrollbar appears. **Expected results** A vetical viewport scrollbar appears as well. (Since the visual and layout viewports are aspect-ratio locked, it follows that if the visual viewport becomes smaller than the layout viewport in the horizontal dimension, it must do so in the vertical dimension as well.) **Actual results** A vertical viewport scrollbar does not appear.
**STR** 1. Run latest nightly with `apz.allow_zooming=true` 2. Load https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1556556 3. Observe that at unit zoom, there are no viewport scrollbars. This is because the document is sized to the layout viewport, and at unit zoom, the visual viewport coincides with the layout viewport. (The scrollbar which does appear is for a subframe.) 4. Pinch-zoom in, thereby causing the visual and layout viewports to diverge. 5. Observe that a horizontal viewport scrollbar appears. **Expected results** A vertical viewport scrollbar appears as well. (Since the visual and layout viewports are aspect-ratio locked, it follows that if the visual viewport becomes smaller than the layout viewport in the horizontal dimension, it must do so in the vertical dimension as well.) **Actual results** A vertical viewport scrollbar does not appear.