> [...]
> * In testcase #5, the "aaaa...." **is** painted on subsequent pages.
Here's a screenshot to demonstrate what this looks like & how it's weird. (page 2 ends up getting content that ran off the right side of page 1, via our regular fragmentation codepath; **and** it gets content that ran off the bottom of page 1, via this new overflow-preserving codepath.)
Bug 1640197 Comment 27 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
> [...]
> * In testcase #5, the "aaaa...." **is** painted on subsequent pages.
Here's a screenshot to demonstrate what this looks like & how it's weird. (page 2 ends up getting content that ran off the **right side** of page 1, via our regular fragmentation codepath; **and** it gets content that ran off the **bottom** of page 1, via this new overflow-preserving codepath. Really, it should only get content that ran off the right side, since that's the block-axis "end" edge of the page.)