Bug 1641802 Comment 2 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

I see a couple of problems here:
 1. Screen capture indicators & tab warning UX never go away on their own
 2. The tab warning UX shouldn't have shown up in the first place on close
 3. If the tab warning UX hadn't shown up in the first place on close, might JS have captured a glimpse of that tab?

#1 seems most pressing and solvable in front-end.
#2 as well, if we don't care about #3.
#3 might be somewhat serious if it is real, though no worse than today.

I've tried to test if #3 is real, and so far come up short (on macOS):
* I've tried sending capture to another tab over WebRTC (open [this](https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/0sjrmkuh/) in two tabs)
* I've tried storing video in localStorage (open [this](https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/0sjrmkuh/) and run twice)

In both cases: the last frame captured is before the tab cut-over.
I see a couple of problems here:
 1. Screen capture indicators & tab warning UX never go away on their own
 2. The tab warning UX shouldn't have shown up in the first place on close
 3. If the tab warning UX hadn't shown up in the first place on close, might JS have captured a glimpse of that tab?

#1 seems most pressing and solvable in front-end.
#2 as well, if we don't care about #3.
#3 might be somewhat serious if it is real, though no worse than today.

I've tried to test if #3 is real, and so far come up short (on macOS):
* I've tried sending capture to another tab over WebRTC (open [this](https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/w3L7ujpo/) in two tabs)
* I've tried storing video in localStorage (open [this](https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/0sjrmkuh/) and run twice)

In both cases: the last frame captured is before the tab cut-over.

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