(In reply to Jan Andre Ikenmeyer [:darkspirit] from comment #13) from my log: UID 5 is released twice by MediaPDecoder #2 before being reused by MediaPDecoder #2. MediaPDecoder #3 is reusing UID 5 twice without releasing it in between. (In reply to Martin Stránský [:stransky] from comment #12) log from comment 8: UID 19 was released at least 15 times before being reused. Is that intended? MediaPDecoder #2 releases UID 19 at least 8 times (without reusing), MediaPDecoder #3 releases UID 19 at least 6 times (without reusing), before MediaPDecoder #1 reuses it.
Bug 1643855 Comment 14 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(In reply to Jan Andre Ikenmeyer [:darkspirit] from comment #13) from my log: UID 5 is released twice by MediaPDecoder #2 before being reused by MediaPDecoder #2. MediaPDecoder #3 is reusing UID 5 twice without releasing it in between. (In reply to Martin Stránský [:stransky] from comment #12) log from comment 8: UID 19 was released at least 15 times before being reused. Is that intended? MediaPDecoder #2 releases UID 19 at least 8 times (without reusing), MediaPDecoder #3 releases UID 19 at least 6 times (without reusing), before MediaPDecoder #1 reuses UID 19.