### Merge Day Update We're nearing the first ESR78 release and need to be able to start tracking it independently of the Fx78 release. Please add: * approval-mozilla-esr78 * tracking-firefox-esr78 (?,-,78+,79+ values to start * status-firefox-esr78 (same values as esr68)
Bug 1644833 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
### Merge Day Update We're nearing the first ESR78 release and need to be able to start tracking it independently of the mainline Fx78 release. Please add: * approval-mozilla-esr78 * tracking-firefox-esr78 (?,-,78+,79+ values to start * status-firefox-esr78 (same values as esr68)