Bug 1651125 Comment 6 Edit History

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(In reply to Dave Hunt [:davehunt] [he/him] ⌚BST from comment #0)
> [...]
> It may be that we should present one of these subtests (or some conbimation of them) as the suite-level result, but it does seem odd to me that subtests would be hidden by default unless they happen to be missing a suite-level result.
> [...]

A discussion on this aspect can be subjective. I understand the mindset behind this old implementation & am ok with it. If multiple subtests are together constituting a suite's value, then they're just low-interest, implementation detail. Individual subtests values aren't that important.
But if they don't constitute a suite's value, then they are individual, independent tests. Their individual values are actually important. These tests are mature enough to display themselves, without the need of a parent signature/test.
(In reply to Dave Hunt [:davehunt] [he/him] ⌚BST from comment #0)
> [...]
> It may be that we should present one of these subtests (or some conbimation of them) as the suite-level result, but it does seem odd to me that subtests would be hidden by default unless they happen to be missing a suite-level result.
> [...]

A discussion on this aspect can be subjective.

I understand the mindset behind this old implementation & am ok with it. If multiple subtests are together constituting a suite's value, then they're just low-interest, implementation detail. Individual subtests values aren't that important.
But if they don't constitute a suite's value, then they are individual, independent tests. Their individual values are actually important. These tests are mature enough to display themselves, without the need of a parent signature/test.

Either way, if a mindset change is required, it'd likely imply big fullstack changes, backed by big efforts.
(In reply to Dave Hunt [:davehunt] [he/him] ⌚BST from comment #0)
> [...]
> It may be that we should present one of these subtests (or some conbimation of them) as the suite-level result, but it does seem odd to me that subtests would be hidden by default unless they happen to be missing a suite-level result.
> [...]

A discussion on this aspect can be subjective.

I understand the mindset behind this old implementation & am ok with it. If multiple subtests are together constituting a suite's value, then they're just low-interest, implementation detail. Individual subtest values aren't that important.
But if they don't constitute a suite's value, then they are individual, independent tests. Their individual values are actually important. These tests are mature enough to display themselves, without the need of a parent signature/test.

Either way, if a mindset change is required, it'd likely imply big fullstack changes, backed by big efforts.

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