1. What questions will you answer with this data? How many web content hangs users are seeing, what causes them, how they respond, and how long those hangs last. 2. Why does Mozilla need to answer these questions? Are there benefits for users? Do we need this information to address product or business requirements? Some example responses: We want to improve our handling of hangs based on how they affect users. 3. What alternative methods did you consider to answer these questions? Why were they not sufficient? There aren't really alternatives to measuring this in-product if we want representative data. 4. Can current instrumentation answer these questions? No, it accumulates hang times in a histogram, but doesn't indicate how common these were or how users and Firefox dealt with them. 5. List all proposed measurements and indicate the category of data collection for each measurement, using the Firefox data collection categories found on the Mozilla wiki. Tracking bug for all of these is this bug. Measurement Description | Data Collection Category -----------------------------|---------------------------------------------------- how long we were hung | 1 or maybe 2 (if user stopped the hang) which process hung (currently always content, may include 'parent' in future) | 1 if/how long we showed a notification | 2 why the notification was dismissed (by user or by Firefox) | 1 / 2 the type of script that was hung (browser, web content, extension) | 1 how often the user requested to wait for the script to finish | 2 This collection is documented in its definitions files Histograms.json, Scalars.yaml, and/or Events.yaml and in the Probe Dictionary at https://probes.telemetry.mozilla.org. 6. How long will this data be collected? Choose one of the following: I want this data to be collected for 6 months initially (potentially renewable). 7. What populations / release channels / countries / locales will you measure? All of them. 8. Any other filters? Please describe in detail below. The collection is only run on desktop (not mobile). 9. If this data collection is default on, what is the opt-out mechanism for users? Usual telemetry opt-out measures. 10. Please provide a general description of how you will analyze this data. Likely to be custom analysis of event pings. 11. Where do you intend to share the results of your analysis? Unsure right now, likely to be in this bug or other reports, potentially publicly if we find something significant enough to warrant publishing more general data about what users do in the face of delays/slowness. 12 Is there a third-party tool (i.e. not Telemetry) that you are proposing to use for this data collection? No.
Bug 1652613 Comment 3 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
1. What questions will you answer with this data? How many web content hangs users are seeing, what causes them, how they respond, and how long those hangs last. 2. Why does Mozilla need to answer these questions? Are there benefits for users? Do we need this information to address product or business requirements? Some example responses: We want to improve our handling of hangs based on how they affect users. 3. What alternative methods did you consider to answer these questions? Why were they not sufficient? There aren't really alternatives to measuring this in-product if we want representative data. 4. Can current instrumentation answer these questions? No, it accumulates hang times in a histogram, but doesn't indicate how common these were or how users and Firefox dealt with them. 5. List all proposed measurements and indicate the category of data collection for each measurement, using the Firefox data collection categories found on the Mozilla wiki. Tracking bug for all of these is this bug. Measurement Description | Data Collection Category -----------------------------|---------------------------------------------------- how long we were hung | 1 or maybe 2 (if user stopped the hang) which process hung (currently always content, may include 'parent' in future) | 1 if/how long we showed a notification | 2 why the notification was dismissed (by user or by Firefox) | 1 / 2 the type of script that was hung (browser, web content, extension) | 1 how often the user requested to wait for the script to finish | 2 how often the user switched away from a tab that was hung | 2 This collection is documented in its definitions files Histograms.json, Scalars.yaml, and/or Events.yaml and in the Probe Dictionary at https://probes.telemetry.mozilla.org. 6. How long will this data be collected? Choose one of the following: I want this data to be collected for 6 months initially (potentially renewable). 7. What populations / release channels / countries / locales will you measure? All of them. 8. Any other filters? Please describe in detail below. The collection is only run on desktop (not mobile). 9. If this data collection is default on, what is the opt-out mechanism for users? Usual telemetry opt-out measures. 10. Please provide a general description of how you will analyze this data. Likely to be custom analysis of event pings. 11. Where do you intend to share the results of your analysis? Unsure right now, likely to be in this bug or other reports, potentially publicly if we find something significant enough to warrant publishing more general data about what users do in the face of delays/slowness. 12 Is there a third-party tool (i.e. not Telemetry) that you are proposing to use for this data collection? No.