Bug 1653276 Comment 0 Edit History

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We've been encountering this error with various users on the Firefox Profiler front-end, and from what I can tell, we are accessing IndexedDB in the correct way, at least according to how MDN outlines it. I suspect there could be a browser bug here.

We have Bug 1650627 on file, as well as the issue on our front-end code: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637

I outlined the problem in [firefox-devtools/profiler/#2637](https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637). I will copy it here. The expected results are that the onupgradedneeded will always ensure that the symbol store exists, and that onsuccess will let us use it without errors.


`_setupDB()` calls `const openReq = indexedDB.open(dbName, 2);`.

`openReq.onupgradeneeded` is defined, and when run, creates the object store:

const store: SymbolStore = db.createObjectStore('symbol-tables', {
  keyPath: ['debugName', 'breakpadId'],

`openReq.onsuccess` is then definitely run, which calls `_deleteAllBeforeDate`

This error is then generated on:

`const transaction = db.transaction('symbol-tables', 'readwrite');`

[According to MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase/createObjectStore):

>  [The createObjectStore] method can be called only within a versionchange transaction.

We are doing this, then immediately, and synchronously with the onsuccess handler accessing the store.

Here's a permalink with valid line numbers:


Plus here is the transaction that is generating the error:

We've been encountering this error with various users on the Firefox Profiler front-end, and from what I can tell, we are accessing IndexedDB in the correct way, at least according to how MDN outlines it. I suspect there could be a browser bug here.

We had Bug 1650627 on file, which we moved to our front-end repo: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637

I outlined the problem in [firefox-devtools/profiler/#2637](https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637). I will copy it here. The expected results are that the onupgradedneeded will always ensure that the symbol store exists, and that onsuccess will let us use it without errors.


`_setupDB()` calls `const openReq = indexedDB.open(dbName, 2);`.

`openReq.onupgradeneeded` is defined, and when run, creates the object store:

const store: SymbolStore = db.createObjectStore('symbol-tables', {
  keyPath: ['debugName', 'breakpadId'],

`openReq.onsuccess` is then definitely run, which calls `_deleteAllBeforeDate`

This error is then generated on:

`const transaction = db.transaction('symbol-tables', 'readwrite');`

[According to MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase/createObjectStore):

>  [The createObjectStore] method can be called only within a versionchange transaction.

We are doing this, then immediately, and synchronously with the onsuccess handler accessing the store.

Here's a permalink with valid line numbers:


Plus here is the transaction that is generating the error:

We've been encountering this error with various users on the Firefox Profiler front-end, and from what I can tell, we are accessing IndexedDB in the correct way, at least according to how MDN outlines it. I suspect there could be a browser bug here.

We had Bug 1650627 on file, which we moved to our front-end repo: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637

I outlined the problem in [firefox-devtools/profiler/#2637](https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637). I will copy it here. The expected results are that the onupgradedneeded will always ensure that the symbol store exists, and that onsuccess will let us use it without errors.


Encountered error while cleaning out database: DOMException: IDBDatabase.transaction: 'symbol-tables' is not a known object store name symbol-store-db.js:151:18
    onsuccess symbol-store-db.js:151
    (Async: promise callback)
    onsuccess symbol-store-db.js:150
    (Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
    _setupDB symbol-store-db.js:141
    _setupDB symbol-store-db.js:97
    SymbolStoreDB symbol-store-db.js:80
    SymbolStore symbol-store.js:172
    getSymbolStore receive-profile.js:823
    finalizeProfileView receive-profile.js:224
    Redux 2
    loadProfile receive-profile.js:141
    Redux 2
    getProfileFromAddon receive-profile.js:807
    retrieveProfileFromAddon receive-profile.js:916
    Redux 2
    getProfilesFromRawUrl receive-profile.js:1409
    Redux 2

`_setupDB()` calls `const openReq = indexedDB.open(dbName, 2);`.

`openReq.onupgradeneeded` is defined, and when run, creates the object store:

const store: SymbolStore = db.createObjectStore('symbol-tables', {
  keyPath: ['debugName', 'breakpadId'],

`openReq.onsuccess` is then definitely run, which calls `_deleteAllBeforeDate`

This error is then generated on:

`const transaction = db.transaction('symbol-tables', 'readwrite');`

[According to MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase/createObjectStore):

>  [The createObjectStore] method can be called only within a versionchange transaction.

We are doing this, then immediately, and synchronously with the onsuccess handler accessing the store.

Here's a permalink with valid line numbers:


Plus here is the transaction that is generating the error:

We've been encountering this error with various users on the Firefox Profiler front-end, and from what I can tell, we are accessing IndexedDB in the correct way, at least according to how MDN outlines it. I suspect there could be a browser bug here.

We had Bug 1650627 on file, which we moved to our front-end repo: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637

I outlined the problem in [firefox-devtools/profiler/#2637](https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/issues/2637). I will copy it here. The expected results are that the onupgradedneeded will always ensure that the symbol store exists, and that onsuccess will let us use it without errors.

This is the error:

Encountered error while cleaning out database: DOMException: IDBDatabase.transaction: 'symbol-tables' is not a known object store name symbol-store-db.js:151:18
    onsuccess symbol-store-db.js:151
    (Async: promise callback)
    onsuccess symbol-store-db.js:150
    (Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
    _setupDB symbol-store-db.js:141
    _setupDB symbol-store-db.js:97
    SymbolStoreDB symbol-store-db.js:80
    SymbolStore symbol-store.js:172
    getSymbolStore receive-profile.js:823
    finalizeProfileView receive-profile.js:224
    Redux 2
    loadProfile receive-profile.js:141
    Redux 2
    getProfileFromAddon receive-profile.js:807
    retrieveProfileFromAddon receive-profile.js:916
    Redux 2
    getProfilesFromRawUrl receive-profile.js:1409
    Redux 2

Here's what is going on in the code:

`_setupDB()` calls `const openReq = indexedDB.open(dbName, 2);`.

`openReq.onupgradeneeded` is defined, and when run, creates the object store:

const store: SymbolStore = db.createObjectStore('symbol-tables', {
  keyPath: ['debugName', 'breakpadId'],

`openReq.onsuccess` is then definitely run, which calls `_deleteAllBeforeDate`

This error is then generated on:

`const transaction = db.transaction('symbol-tables', 'readwrite');`

[According to MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase/createObjectStore):

>  [The createObjectStore] method can be called only within a versionchange transaction.

We are doing this, then immediately, and synchronously with the onsuccess handler accessing the store.

Here's a permalink with valid line numbers:


Plus here is the transaction that is generating the error:


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