speedofanimals.com is an example. With HTTPS-Only Mode enabled, if I enter http://speedofanimals.com in the address bar then we experience a long timeout (90s). But if I enter http://www.speedofanimals.com then it upgrades to https://www.speedofanimals.com and the site immediately loads. So if the browser is trying to load an HTTP URL with domain "foo.example" and that is failing to upgrade, could we try "https://www.foo.example/..." in the background? (This behavior could be controlled by the existing prefs `browser.fixup.alternate.enabled` and `browser.fixup.alternate.prefix`.)
Bug 1653898 Comment 0 Edit History
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speedofanimals.com is an example. With HTTPS-Only Mode enabled, if I enter http://speedofanimals.com in the address bar then we experience a long timeout (90s). But if I enter http://www.speedofanimals.com then it upgrades to https://www.speedofanimals.com and the site immediately loads. Here's an idea to fix this problem: if the browser is trying to load an HTTP URL with domain "foo.example" and that is failing to upgrade, could we try "https://www.foo.example/..." in the background? (This behavior could be controlled by the existing prefs `browser.fixup.alternate.enabled` and `browser.fixup.alternate.prefix`.)