The frame recording API tries to only capture compositor frames during which a new content paint made it to the screen. However, the WebRender implementation of frame recording tries to make this distinction by [checking whether any non-root pipelines have updated their epochs]( and with WebRender, each video has its own pipeline which updates as the video plays new frames. As a result, pages like capture a ton of frames. usually has videos below the fold. So we capture a ton of identical browser screenshots, at ~30fps.
Bug 1665512 Comment 0 Edit History
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The frame recording API tries to only capture compositor frames during which a new content paint made it to the screen. However, the WebRender implementation of frame recording tries to make this distinction by [checking whether any non-root pipelines have updated their epochs]( and with WebRender, each video has its own pipeline which updates as the video plays new frames. As a result, pages like capture a ton of frames. usually has videos below the fold. So we capture a ton of identical browser screenshots, at ~30fps.