It seems this can also be occur from the compilations dispatched by ChromeScriptLoader as well. I was able to reproduce one of those crashes on try coincidentally: ``` [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.045Z] 17:30:57 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | xpcshell-remote.ini:toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_contentscript_async_loading.js | application crashed [@ NS_DispatchToMainThread(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&&, unsigned int)] [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.046Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/xpc-other-M0qQpX/06521011-38c8-0e46-4150-cb03267b8068.dmp [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.046Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Operating system: Linux [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - CPU: amd64 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - family 6 model 85 stepping 4 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.048Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 2 CPUs [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.048Z] 17:30:57 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.049Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.049Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash address: 0x0 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.050Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Process uptime: not available [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.051Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Thread 4 (crashed) [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.051Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 0 plugin-container!mozalloc_abort ... ... ... [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.063Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 5!OffThreadScriptLoaderCallback(JS::OffThreadToken*, void*) [ChromeScriptLoader.cpp:5c6b4a59452f787bb0012febf43a0d04472d51a6 : 133 + 0x2c] [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.063Z] 17:30:57 INFO - rbx = 0x00007f46d3dfdf70 rbp = 0x00007f46d3dfdfa0 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f46d3dfdf60 r12 = 0x0000000000000000 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - r13 = 0x0000000000000000 r14 = 0x00007f46d3dfdf60 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - r15 = 0x00007f46d3dfdf68 rip = 0x00007f46eb107481 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Found by: call frame info``` So this may also need a shutdown observer to cancel off thread compilations.
Bug 1666724 Comment 13 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
It seems this can also be occur from the compilations dispatched by ChromeScriptLoader as well. I was able to reproduce one of those crashes on try coincidentally: ``` [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.045Z] 17:30:57 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | xpcshell-remote.ini:toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_contentscript_async_loading.js | application crashed [@ NS_DispatchToMainThread(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&&, unsigned int)] [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.046Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/xpc-other-M0qQpX/06521011-38c8-0e46-4150-cb03267b8068.dmp [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.046Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Operating system: Linux [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - CPU: amd64 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.047Z] 17:30:57 INFO - family 6 model 85 stepping 4 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.048Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 2 CPUs [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.048Z] 17:30:57 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.049Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.049Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Crash address: 0x0 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.050Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Process uptime: not available [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.051Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Thread 4 (crashed) [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.051Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 0 plugin-container!mozalloc_abort ... ... ... [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.063Z] 17:30:57 INFO - 5!OffThreadScriptLoaderCallback(JS::OffThreadToken*, void*) [ChromeScriptLoader.cpp:5c6b4a59452f787bb0012febf43a0d04472d51a6 : 133 + 0x2c] [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.063Z] 17:30:57 INFO - rbx = 0x00007f46d3dfdf70 rbp = 0x00007f46d3dfdfa0 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f46d3dfdf60 r12 = 0x0000000000000000 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - r13 = 0x0000000000000000 r14 = 0x00007f46d3dfdf60 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - r15 = 0x00007f46d3dfdf68 rip = 0x00007f46eb107481 [task 2020-11-16T17:30:57.064Z] 17:30:57 INFO - Found by: call frame info ``` So this may also need a shutdown observer to cancel off thread compilations.