Bug 1668743 Comment 20 Edit History

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Thanks, :birtles.  I failed to reproduce across a variety of reproduction cases on Windows (10) using `about:restartRequired` and the [MOZ_PURGE_CACHES](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/0d6e8b21569f93a1e1ae8e377ab10f43a6cb12c1/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp#4610) environment variable to attempt to reproduce the overall scenario of updating a nightly.  In particular, started from a very heavy profile and reduced the number of tabs/windows restored and number of pinned tabs to attempt to get the pinned tab loads to happen earlier.  Then I added a number of SW-using pinned tabs back.

I'm going to try and finish out the workflow required to easily share logs from a failure case.  Specifically, click-to-download into an ndjson (newline-delimited JSON) file that can then be sanity-checked for privacy concerns and then emailed or otherwise shared with me.  My end goal is to provide for per-origin log saving but that may not happen in the first pass.  I'll spin up try builds for those interested but will also be moving forward with review after splitting the patch up.
Thanks, :birtles.  I failed to reproduce across a variety of reproduction cases on Windows (10) using `about:restartRequired` and the [MOZ_PURGE_CACHES](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/0d6e8b21569f93a1e1ae8e377ab10f43a6cb12c1/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp#4610) environment variable to attempt to reproduce the overall scenario of updating a nightly.  I started from a very heavy profile and reduced the number of tabs/windows restored and number of pinned tabs to attempt to get the pinned tab loads to happen earlier.  Then I added a number of SW-using pinned tabs back.

I'm going to try and finish out the workflow required to easily share logs from a failure case.  Specifically, click-to-download into an ndjson (newline-delimited JSON) file that can then be sanity-checked for privacy concerns and then emailed or otherwise shared with me.  My end goal is to provide for per-origin log saving but that may not happen in the first pass.  I'll spin up try builds for those interested but will also be moving forward with review after splitting the patch up.

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