**Affected versions** Firefox Nightly 83.0a1 **Affected platforms** Mac OS X 10.15 Windows 10 **Preconditions** fx.webrender.all = true OR fx.webrender.all = false apz.allow_zooming = true apz.windows.use_direct_manipulation = true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Navigate to any Google Spreadsheet 2. Pinch zoom in/out while the mouse is on the upper side of the page (on the menu and toolbars section). 3. Pinch zoom in/out while the mouse is over the sheets section. **Expected result** Zooming should be performed without UI glitches regardless if the pinch zooming is done on the upper side of the page or over the sheets section. **Actual Result** Pinch-zooming is properly done when performed over the upper area of the page (menu and tools). Pinch-zooming is not done over the sheets area, scrolling is done instead of zooming. Pinch zooming is done if made while the spreadsheet is loading but can't be undone after the page is completely loaded. Reproduced this issue using both touchpad and touchscreen.
Bug 1670704 Comment 0 Edit History
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**Affected versions** Firefox Nightly 83.0a1 **Affected platforms** Mac OS X 10.15 Windows 10 **Preconditions** fx.webrender.all = true OR fx.webrender.all = false apz.allow_zooming = true apz.windows.use_direct_manipulation = true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Navigate to any Google Spreadsheet 2. Pinch zoom in/out while the mouse is on the upper side of the page (on the menu and toolbars section). 3. Pinch zoom in/out while the mouse is over the sheets section. **Expected result** Zooming should be performed without UI glitches regardless if the pinch zooming is done on the upper side of the page or over the sheets section. **Actual Result** Pinch-zooming is properly done when performed over the upper area of the page (menu and tools). Pinch-zooming is not done over the sheets area, scrolling is done instead of zooming. Pinch zooming is done if made while the spreadsheet is loading but can't be undone after the page is completely loaded. Reproduced this issue using both touchpad and touchscreen. **Severity-Suggestion** S2