Bug 1671230 Comment 23 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Currently [the test site](https://test.rte.ie/player/series/prime-time/SI0000000825?epguid=IH000383027) is failing. It looks like it's getting 503s on the requests [like this one](https://vod.rte.ie/vod-d/RTE_Test_-_Integration/645/772/IH000383027/IH000383027-1602192467607.ism/.mpd?available=1602191640&expiry=1633727640&ip= I'm pretty sure that's unrelated to the original error, but since I can't reproduce the issue on the production site, my investigation of this is stalled until the test site is working again.
Currently [the test site](https://test.rte.ie/player/series/prime-time/SI0000000825?epguid=IH000383027) is failing on Firefox, Safari and Chrome. It looks like it's getting 503s on the requests [like this one](https://vod.rte.ie/vod-d/RTE_Test_-_Integration/645/772/IH000383027/IH000383027-1602192467607.ism/.mpd?available=1602191640&expiry=1633727640&ip= I'm pretty sure that's unrelated to the original error, but since I can't reproduce the issue on the production site, my investigation of this is stalled until the test site is working again.

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