Bug 1673669 Comment 27 Edit History

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### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: IME for Korean and languages using similar IME behavior is broken, characters are lost, Search Mode is not correctly activated.
We are aware it's late for Beta cycle, but this is badly affecting IME users and the urlbar is quite important in the users workflow.
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**: A) Lost chars
A.1. Type "foo 구문" (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY), or alternatively type "ㄴㅁㅇ" (ASD on QUERTY)
A.2. while the last char is still in composition mode (selected or underlined) press Enter
A.3. we should always search for the full string, intermittently this used to lost the last word

B. Search mode is broken
B.1. type @
B.2. Pick a search engine from the list
B.3. Type 구문
B.4. Search mode should be preserved and not disappear

C. Tab to search is broken 
C.1. Ensure typing go provides a Tab-to-search entry for Google
C.2. Type go, press TAB to enter search mode, type 구문 (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY)
C.3. Search mode should be preserved, Enter should search 구문 on Google
* **List of other uplifts needed**: None
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: The changes pretty much affect composition, they have been tested by a few users though Try builds and have tests. The only one not having an automated test is losing chars, because unfortunately it cannot be tested through our automation.
* **String changes made/needed**:
### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: IME for Korean and languages using similar IME behavior is broken, characters are lost, Search Mode is not correctly activated.
We are aware it's late for Beta cycle, but this is badly affecting IME users and the urlbar is quite important in the users workflow.
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**:
A) Lost chars
A.1. Type "foo 구문" (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY), or alternatively type "ㄴㅁㅇ" (ASD on QUERTY)
A.2. while the last char is still in composition mode (selected or underlined) press Enter
A.3. we should always search for the full string, intermittently this used to lost the last word

B. Search mode is broken
B.1. type @
B.2. Pick a search engine from the list
B.3. Type 구문
B.4. Search mode should be preserved and not disappear

C. Tab to search is broken 
C.1. Ensure typing go provides a Tab-to-search entry for Google
C.2. Type go, press TAB to enter search mode, type 구문 (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY)
C.3. Search mode should be preserved, Enter should search 구문 on Google
* **List of other uplifts needed**: None
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: The changes pretty much affect composition, they have been tested by a few users though Try builds and have tests. The only one not having an automated test is losing chars, because unfortunately it cannot be tested through our automation.
* **String changes made/needed**:
### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: IME for Korean and languages using similar IME behavior is broken, characters are lost, Search Mode is not correctly activated.
We are aware it's late for Beta cycle, but this is badly affecting IME users and the urlbar is quite important in the users workflow.
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**:

A. Lost chars
A.1. Type "foo 구문" (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY), or alternatively type "ㄴㅁㅇ" (ASD on QUERTY)
A.2. while the last char is still in composition mode (selected or underlined) press Enter
A.3. we should always search for the full string, intermittently this used to lost the last word

B. Search mode is broken
B.1. type @
B.2. Pick a search engine from the list
B.3. Type 구문
B.4. Search mode should be preserved and not disappear

C. Tab to search is broken 
C.1. Ensure typing go provides a Tab-to-search entry for Google
C.2. Type go, press TAB to enter search mode, type 구문 (Korean IME, RNANS on QWERTY)
C.3. Search mode should be preserved, Enter should search 구문 on Google

* **List of other uplifts needed**: None
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: The changes pretty much affect composition, they have been tested by a few users though Try builds and have tests. The only one not having an automated test is losing chars, because unfortunately it cannot be tested through our automation.
* **String changes made/needed**:

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