Re comment 11: > I actually think it feels right for that to always be auto on the table-wrapper frame, even in cases where the author has specified some min-width/min-height value on the table, since tables don't support being smaller than their content-size anyway; and if the specified value is larger, then we'll still pick that up & honor it when we measure content to resolve the auto size on the table wrapper. I feel this make sense to me. We probably shouldn't look into inner table's property except when absolutely necessary. I'll explore your idea. Re commend 15: Thank you for taking a look into these testcases, and giving the outline of the possible fix. You're right that original Part 5 (remove ComputeSizeFlag::UseAutoISize) is trying to prevent inner `<table>`'s specified size from influencing the content-based minimum size. Re comment 16: Yeah, its painful to fix this bug if we want to consider all the non-standard `caption-side` value, but bug 1688695 probably won't be fix soon. I think we should at least make the standard `caption-side` correct without worrying too much about breaking those non-standard ones.
Bug 1674302 Comment 17 Edit History
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Re comment 11: > I actually think it feels right for that to always be auto on the table-wrapper frame, even in cases where the author has specified some min-width/min-height value on the table, since tables don't support being smaller than their content-size anyway; and if the specified value is larger, then we'll still pick that up & honor it when we measure content to resolve the auto size on the table wrapper. I feel this make sense to me. We probably shouldn't look into inner table's property except when absolutely necessary. I'll explore your idea. Re comment 15: Thank you for taking a look into these testcases, and giving the outline of the possible fix. You're right that original Part 5 (remove ComputeSizeFlag::UseAutoISize) is trying to prevent inner `<table>`'s specified size from influencing the content-based minimum size. Re comment 16: Yeah, its painful to fix this bug if we want to consider all the non-standard `caption-side` value, but bug 1688695 probably won't be fix soon. I think we should at least make the standard `caption-side` correct without worrying too much about breaking those non-standard ones.