We found CyMemDef.dylib in the module list, and a Google search confirms this is likely Cylance. From our statistics, we see it in 376 out of 2.6M pings, or 0.014% of the macOS users. Our anti-virus Telemetry on macOS is obviously not as advance as the one on Windows, but based on this, I don't think we have evidence this needs to block Beta.
Bug 1677633 Comment 7 Edit History
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We found CyMemDef.dylib in the module list, and a Google search confirms this is likely Cylance. From our statistics, we see it in 376 out of 2.6M pings, or 0.014% of the macOS users. Our anti-virus Telemetry on macOS is obviously not as advanced as the one on Windows, but based on this, I don't think we have evidence this needs to block Beta.