Same happens when copy-pasting [MDN example image]( to Word. Changing title as such. Mixing Word and Pages issues here is confusing, could we file another one for Pages? Word does not accept images from Chrome either at least on Windows.
Bug 1679026 Comment 22 Edit History
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Same happens when copy-pasting [MDN example image]( to Word. Changing title as such. Mixing Word and Pages issues here is confusing, could we file another one for Pages? Word does not accept images from Chrome either at least on Windows. Edit: By Word I mean the native Windows app.
Same happens when copy-pasting [MDN example image]( to Word. Changing title as such. Mixing Word and Pages issues here is confusing, could we file another one for Pages? Word does not accept images from Chrome either at least on Windows. Edit: By Word I mean the native Windows app, not the online one.