Bug 1690604 Comment 6 Edit History

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Here's a universal (ARM64 and AMD64) tryserver build to test with. Its Mozilla-specific symbols have been uploaded to the Mozilla symbol server (so its crash stacks should be fully symbolicated):


You can make any of its processes crash by doing `kill -6 [pid]`. This sends a SIGABRT signal, and also generates a crash log.

Testing with this build on an Apple Silicon machine is a pain. It's not signed, and it's not possible on these machines to just right-click and choose "Open" (though that still works fine on macOS 11 on an Intel machine). So you're going to have to sign it yourself, using some kind of Apple signing certificate. I used my own "developer id application" signing cert. And you may have to Option-drag it to make a copy, and sign that.


        codesign -s "Your Name" -f --deep /Applications/Firefox\ Nightly.app"
Here's a universal (ARM64 and AMD64) tryserver build to test with. Its Mozilla-specific symbols have been uploaded to the Mozilla symbol server (so its crash stacks should be fully symbolicated):


You can make any of its processes crash by doing `kill -6 [pid]`. This sends a SIGABRT signal, and also generates a crash log.

Testing with this build on an Apple Silicon machine is a pain. It's not signed, and it's not possible on these machines to just right-click and choose "Open" (though that still works fine on macOS 11 on an Intel machine). So you're going to have to sign it yourself, using some kind of Apple signing certificate. I used my own "developer id application" signing cert. And you may have to Option-drag it to make a copy, and sign that.


        codesign -s "Your Name" -f --deep /Applications/Firefox\ Nightly.app

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