Bug 1691189 Comment 6 Edit History

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Thanks Jeremy for reporting,

(In reply to Jeremy Lainé from comment #0)
> - Firefox generates an offer (for example: only datachannel) containing only mDNS candidates
> - aiortc receives the offer, calls setRemoteDescription and attempts to resolve the mDNS candidates by issuing an A question

Has been SLD called on the Firefox side at this point?

> - Firefox does not respond to the mDNS query, no matter how long I wait

When you say you wait, are you waiting before returning the answer? If you return the answer, does it still not respond?

This may still be a bug, but I'm triaging, so I'm trying to understand how much of an issue is this in practice.
Thanks Jeremy for reporting,

(In reply to Jeremy Lainé from comment #0)
> - Firefox generates an offer (for example: only datachannel) containing only mDNS candidates
> - aiortc receives the offer, calls setRemoteDescription and attempts to resolve the mDNS candidates by issuing an A question

Has SLD been called on the Firefox side at this point?

> - Firefox does not respond to the mDNS query, no matter how long I wait

When you say you wait, are you waiting before returning the answer? If you return the answer, does it still not respond?

This may still be a bug, but I'm triaging, so I'm trying to understand how much of an issue is this in practice.

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