Bug 1701738 Comment 4 Edit History

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I ran into the following issue scrolling my strava.com feed (you need to log in and follow a bunch of people to get a useful feed, I can create a test account if needed): scroll down until the page needs to load more content, page loads more content (as you can tell by the scroll bar) try to scroll down, it'll scroll down about half a page (there is much more than this available, probably at least 6x more) and then hit an overscroll bounce, keep trying to scroll down, keep hitting overscroll bounce but scrolling down about half a page, repeat, I can get it to keep triggering the whole way until I get to the bottom and it loads more content. It's a very bad experience. Is that covered by this bug? Or should I file a new bug? In either case, I think this bug should block release.
I ran into the following issue scrolling my strava.com feed (you need to log in and follow a bunch of people to get a useful feed, I can create a test account if needed): scroll down until the page needs to load more content, page loads more content (as you can tell by the scroll bar) try to scroll down, it'll scroll down about half a page (there is much more than this available, probably at least 6x more) and then hit an overscroll bounce, keep trying to scroll down, keep hitting overscroll bounce but scrolling down about half a page, repeat, I can get it to keep triggering the whole way until I get to the bottom and it loads more content. It's a very bad experience. Is that covered by this bug? Or should I file a new bug? In either case, I think this bug on strava should block release.

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