**Affected platforms** Ubuntu 20.04 MacOS 11 Windows 10 **Affected versions** Nightly 89.0a1 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch Firefox with a **New** profile 2. Go to about:config and set the following two prefs to ***true***: browser.proton.enabled browser.proton.infobars.enabled 3. Restart the browser 4. Navigate to http://dummysoftware.com/popupdummy_testpage.html **Expected Result** The Pop-up blocker infobar should be displayed within a few seconds after the page is loaded and it should have an "options/preferences" (depending on the OS) drop down button with an arrow down icon **Actual Results** The "options/preferences" button has the pre-proton infobar styling (without the arrow down icon)
Bug 1703235 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Affected platforms** Ubuntu 20.04 MacOS 11 Windows 10 **Affected versions** Nightly 89.0a1 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch Firefox with a **New** profile 2. Go to about:config and set the following two prefs to ***true***: browser.proton.enabled browser.proton.infobars.enabled 3. Restart the browser 4. Navigate to http://dummysoftware.com/popupdummy_testpage.html **Expected Result** The Pop-up blocker infobar should be displayed within a few seconds after the page is loaded and it should have an "Options/Preferences" (depending on the OS) drop down button with an arrow down icon **Actual Results** The "Options/Preferences" button has the pre-proton infobar styling (without the arrow down icon)
**Affected platforms** Ubuntu 20.04 MacOS 11 Windows 10 **Affected versions** Nightly 89.0a1 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch Firefox with a **New** profile 2. Go to about:config and set the following two prefs to ***true***: browser.proton.enabled browser.proton.infobars.enabled 3. Restart the browser 4. Navigate to http://dummysoftware.com/popupdummy_testpage.html **Expected Result** The Pop-up blocked infobar should be displayed within a few seconds after the page is loaded and it should have an "Options/Preferences" (depending on the OS) drop down button with an arrow down icon **Actual Results** The "Options/Preferences" button has the pre-proton infobar styling (without the arrow down icon)