Bug 1703646 Comment 1 Edit History

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The failing subtest is helper_click_interrupt_animation.html, and it's only failing on Mac.

What this test does is:

 * Synthesizes a mouse click targeting the bottom of the vertical scrollbar track (just above the scrollbar button, if present), with the intention of triggering a smooth scroll animation.
 * Synthesizes a mouse click targeting the page content, with the intention of interrupting the smooth scroll animation.
 * Asserts that the animation was interrupted.

Did Proton change anything related to the behaviour or sizing of the scrollbar?
The failing subtest is helper_click_interrupt_animation.html, and it's only failing on Mac.

What this test does is:

 * Synthesizes a mouse click targeting the bottom of the vertical scrollbar track (just above the scrollbar button, if present), with the intention of triggering a smooth scroll animation.
 * Synthesizes a mouse click targeting the page content, with the intention of interrupting the smooth scroll animation.
 * Asserts that the animation was interrupted.

Did Proton change anything related to the behaviour or sizing of the scrollbar on Mac?

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