Bug 1714235 Comment 0 Edit History

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There have been several of these recently, all on Intel graphics hardware, using the "AppleIntelKBLGraphics" drivers:


The `mac_crash_info` in all of them is as follows:

          "num_records": 2,
          "records": [
              "message": "abort() called",
              "module": "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib"
              "module": "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGPUSupportMercury.dylib",
              "signature_string": "Graphics hardware encountered an error and was reset: 0x00000813\n"

The "context error" is set to this value by a call to `IOAccelContext2::affectedByHardwareReset(bool, unsigned int)` in the `IOAcceleratorFamily2` kernel-mode graphics driver. This method is called from `IOAccelFIFOChannel2::restart()` in the same module, and gets the error number from `IGAccelFIFOChannel::getHardwareDiagnosisReport(unsigned int*)` in the `AppleIntelKBLGraphics` kernel-mode graphics driver. This method calls `IGHardwareRingBuffer::doHangAnalysis()` and `IGHardwareRingBuffer::generateHangSig()`.

I haven't managed to figure out how the error number is generated, or what it means.
There have been several of these recently, all on Intel graphics hardware, using the "AppleIntelKBLGraphics" drivers:


The `mac_crash_info` in all of them is as follows:

          "num_records": 2,
          "records": [
              "message": "abort() called",
              "module": "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib"
              "module": "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGPUSupportMercury.dylib",
              "signature_string": "Graphics hardware encountered an error and was reset: 0x00000813\n"

The "context error" is set to this value by a call to `IOAccelContext2::affectedByHardwareReset(bool, unsigned int)` in the `IOAcceleratorFamily2` kernel-mode graphics driver, called from `IOAccelFIFOChannel2::restart()`. It gets the error number from `IGAccelFIFOChannel::getHardwareDiagnosisReport(unsigned int*)` in the `AppleIntelKBLGraphics` kernel-mode graphics driver. This method calls `IGHardwareRingBuffer::doHangAnalysis()` and `IGHardwareRingBuffer::generateHangSig()`.

I haven't managed to figure out how the error number is generated, or what it means.

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