(In reply to lilydjwg from comment #8) > I've made a new profiler with latest nightly + an empty profile. The issue is still there. I didn't open devtools. > https://share.firefox.dev/2UTLbVJ Well, it turns out that every transaction send `HttpActivity` to something else. Not sure if this is the problem of this high cpu usage. I've created a [build](https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/OFvOSNqrSOSWywwtYB-MRw/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.tar.bz2) that disable sending `HttpActivity`. Could you give this build a try? Thanks.
Bug 1718719 Comment 9 Edit History
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(In reply to lilydjwg from comment #8) > I've made a new profiler with latest nightly + an empty profile. The issue is still there. I didn't open devtools. > https://share.firefox.dev/2UTLbVJ Well, it turns out that every transaction send `HttpActivity` to something else. Not sure if this is the problem of this high cpu usage. I've created a [build](https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/OFvOSNqrSOSWywwtYB-MRw/runs/0/artifacts/public/build/target.tar.bz2) that disable sending `HttpActivity`. Could you give this build a try? Thanks. p.s., the build is created from this [try push](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&revision=37b1df8479fedfa5a9faf1b93c50f06aae2299e0)