Bug 1723440 Comment 6 Edit History

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Just to confirm, this is really an issue about breakpoint persistence. 

I did the following:
- set a breakpoint in main.js at the line `gw = new GeneaWiki ( 'results' ) ;`
- reload
- wait for debugger to pause

Then I added a breakpoint as in the initial STRs:
- search for "function GeneaWiki "
- set breakpoint on `this.column_spacing = 40 ;`

And then I resumed. The debugger managed to break on the other breakpoint. So at least the breakpoints work. It's just that we can't actually track which source they have been added to, so after a reload we lose track of them.

It's very confusing that the breakpoints still show up in the UI however. We fixed a bug around persisting invalid breakpoints in Bug 1720512, but it's a shame that we keep displaying those breakpoints as if they had been persisted. At the very least we should hide them on navigation. I will file another bug for that.
Just to confirm, this is really an issue about breakpoint persistence. 

I did the following:
- set a breakpoint in main.js at the line `gw = new GeneaWiki ( 'results' ) ;`
- reload
- wait for debugger to pause

Then I added a breakpoint as in the initial STRs:
- search for "function GeneaWiki "
- set breakpoint on `this.column_spacing = 40 ;`

And then I resumed. The debugger managed to break on the other breakpoint. So at least the breakpoints work. It's just that we can't actually track which source they have been added to, so after a reload we lose track of them.

It's very confusing that the breakpoints still show up in the UI however. We fixed a bug around persisting invalid breakpoints in Bug 1720512, but it's a shame that we keep displaying those breakpoints as if they had been persisted. At the very least we should hide them on navigation. I will file another bug for that. (filed bug 1723475)

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