Bug 1724167 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

*Affected versions*
* 89.0.2
* 91.0
* 90.0

*Affected platforms*
* Windows 10x64
* macOS 11
* Ubuntu 18.04

* Download and `ia` locale to update (e.g 89.0.1 or 90.x).

*Steps to reproduce*
1. Open the downloaded `ia` build and go to Help-> About Firefox.

*Expected result*
* Download progress is displayed and then the restart to update button appears.

*Actual result*
* Searching for updates or nothing is displayed (88.x) inside the update status field until closing and reopening About Firefox UI. Also `this.downloadStatus is null error ` can be seen inside the browser console.

*Regression range*
* 85.0.2 is not affected. I will search for one ASAP.

*  Attached a screen recording.
* On 88.0.1 there is nothing displayed inside the update UI (no progress and no restart button) until it is closed and reopened: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ZX4hF1EPpQe_NVKFkWDR62DCpMUGC-P/view?usp=sharing).
* Attached console erros ar well: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ki5SqDsneTV8HZhJI66s8nj-MpjuPA57/view?usp=sharing)
*Affected versions*
* 89.0.2
* 91.0
* 90.0

*Affected platforms*
* Windows 10x64
* macOS 11
* Ubuntu 18.04

* Download an`ia` locale build and perform an update (e.g 89.0.1 or 90.x).

*Steps to reproduce*
1. Open the downloaded `ia` build and go to Help-> About Firefox.

*Expected result*
* Download progress is displayed and then the restart to update button appears.

*Actual result*
* Searching for updates or nothing is displayed (88.x) inside the update status field until closing and reopening About Firefox UI. Also `this.downloadStatus is null error ` can be seen inside the browser console.

*Regression range*
* 85.0.2 is not affected. I will search for one ASAP.

*  Attached a screen recording.
* On 88.0.1 there is nothing displayed inside the update UI (no progress and no restart button) until it is closed and reopened: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ZX4hF1EPpQe_NVKFkWDR62DCpMUGC-P/view?usp=sharing).
* Attached console erros ar well: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ki5SqDsneTV8HZhJI66s8nj-MpjuPA57/view?usp=sharing)
*Affected versions*
* 89.0.2
* 91.0
* 90.0

*Affected platforms*
* Windows 10x64
* macOS 11
* Ubuntu 18.04

* Download an`ia` locale build and perform an update (e.g 89.0.1 or 90.x).

*Steps to reproduce*
1. Open the downloaded `ia` build and go to Help-> About Firefox.

*Expected result*
* Download progress is displayed and then the restart to update button appears.

*Actual result*
* Searching for updates or nothing is displayed (88.x) inside the update status field until closing and reopening About Firefox UI. Also `this.downloadStatus is null error ` can be seen inside the browser console.

*Regression range*
* 85.0.2 is not affected. I will search for one ASAP.

*  Attached a screen recording.
* On 88.0.1 there is nothing displayed inside the update UI (no progress and no restart button) until it is closed and reopened: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ZX4hF1EPpQe_NVKFkWDR62DCpMUGC-P/view?usp=sharing).
* Attached console erros ar well: [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ki5SqDsneTV8HZhJI66s8nj-MpjuPA57/view?usp=sharing)
* I saw this only on `ia` locale for now when testing updates to 91.0-build2 on [release-localtest](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fl5Kguu2ifbE_Txc9X3Be8is-YuwXZN95f35x5EzoBs/edit#gid=850719639).

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