It seems that Microsoft is going to add Media Foundation(MF) based Content Decryption Modules (CDMs) to chromium. It seems only to be used with MF)based CDM. If video uses this framework, video rendering to canvas2d/WebGL and screen shot seems not work. a/v sync mechanism becoms different than another media playback.
Bug 1724949 Comment 6 Edit History
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It seems that Microsoft is going to add Media Foundation(MF) based Content Decryption Modules (CDMs) to chromium. chromium already have several changes for it. It seems only to be used with MF)based CDM. If video uses this framework, video rendering to canvas2d/WebGL and screen shot seems not work. a/v sync mechanism becoms different than another media playback.
It seems that Microsoft is going to add Media Foundation(MF) based Content Decryption Modules (CDMs) to chromium. chromium source already has several changes for it. It seems only to be used with MF)based CDM. If video uses this framework, video rendering to canvas2d/WebGL and screen shot seems not work. a/v sync mechanism becoms different than another media playback.
It seems that Microsoft is going to add Media Foundation(MF) based Content Decryption Modules (CDMs) to chromium. chromium source already has several changes for it. It seems only to be used with MF based CDM. If video uses this framework, video rendering to canvas2d/WebGL and screen shot seems not work. a/v sync mechanism becoms different than another media playback.