I took a profile with both Chrome and Firefox running at the same time. Using perfview I get a breakdown that looks like: ``` 40.2% firefox -contentproc tab 18.5% chrome --type=renderer 17.1% firefox -contentproc gpu 9.7% chrome --type=gpu-process 9.0% firefox main 2.0% chrome --type=utility 1.5% firefox -contentproc rdd 1.3% chrome main ``` Firefox is worse pretty obviously worse in all processes.
Bug 1725178 Comment 2 Edit History
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I took a profile with both Chrome and Firefox running at the same time. Using perfview I get a breakdown that looks like: ``` 40.2% firefox -contentproc tab 18.5% chrome --type=renderer 17.1% firefox -contentproc gpu 9.7% chrome --type=gpu-process 9.0% firefox main 2.0% chrome --type=utility 1.5% firefox -contentproc rdd 1.3% chrome main ``` Firefox is pretty obviously worse in all processes.