Bug 1725899 Comment 5 Edit History

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Reclassifying under the a11y component -- this is just a bug about High Contrast Mode looking not-great, and there isn't really any mac/cocoa-specific issue here, other than the fact that we recently started to auto-enable HCM mode on Mac-for-users-with-increased-contrast-system-preference (with an opt-out as noted in comment 2).

The attached screenshot is just the Google sign-in page, with high-contrast-mode turned on.   The black sidebars do definitely look weird, but they're there for a reason -- Google is using transparent-borders for layout there, via this CSS (which sets 24px transparent borders on the left and right):
Us7fWe {
    border: 0 solid transparent;
    border-width: 0 24px;
...and Firefox's HCM mode forces borders to be the user's chosen foreground color.

This is annoying, but it's an expected outcome of "forced colors" mode - borders and text all are forced to be the user's chosen foreground color (black in this case).  We might want to reach out to Google to see if they can avoid using transparent borders here, since they have this unfortunate effect of showing-up (against Google's intent) in this configuration.
Reclassifying under the a11y component -- this is just a bug about High Contrast Mode looking not-great, and there isn't really any mac/cocoa-specific issue here, other than the fact that we recently started to auto-enable HCM mode on Mac-for-users-with-increased-contrast-system-preference (with an opt-out as noted in comment 2).

The attached screenshot is just the Google sign-in page, with high-contrast-mode turned on.   The black sidebars do definitely look weird, but they're there for a reason -- Google is using transparent-borders for layout there, via this CSS (which sets 24px transparent borders on the left and right):
.Us7fWe {
    border: 0 solid transparent;
    border-width: 0 24px;
...and Firefox's HCM mode forces borders to be the user's chosen foreground color.

This is annoying, but it's an expected outcome of "forced colors" mode - borders and text all are forced to be the user's chosen foreground color (black in this case).  We might want to reach out to Google to see if they can avoid using transparent borders here, since they have this unfortunate effect of showing-up (against Google's intent) in this configuration.

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