Bug 1731713 Comment 1 Edit History

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What's the intended rollout behavior? Nimbus can rollout an opt-in message where we have the button set `network.cookie.cookieBehavior` user pref value to `5` if it's already `4`. But with bug 1732271, it seems like it's not desirable to directly set the `cookieBehavior` pref?

Or is that extra pref specially for normandy as it needs to change a pref value (while nimbus doesn't need an extra pref)?
What's the intended rollout behavior? Nimbus can rollout an opt-in message where we have the button set `network.cookie.cookieBehavior` user pref value to `5` if it's already `4`. But with bug 1732271, it seems like it's not desirable to directly set the `cookieBehavior` pref?

Or is that extra pref specially for normandy to change a pref value (while nimbus doesn't need an extra pref)?
What's the intended rollout behavior? Nimbus can rollout an opt-in message where we have the button set `network.cookie.cookieBehavior` user pref value to `5` if it's already `4`. But with bug 1732271, it seems like it's not desirable to directly set the `cookieBehavior` pref?

Or is that extra pref specially for normandy to change a pref value (while nimbus doesn't need an extra pref)? If so, message targeting should look for users who have that special pref set, but the new behavior from bug 1732271 seems like it turns on TCP already, so there's no need for an opt-in?

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