Bug 1733966 Comment 102 Edit History

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Yesterday I saw something very similar. I had a profile idle for a few days while working on the "Unnecessary downloads" bug. In that profile I have a "Trash" mailbox that contained thousands of old emails that I never flushed and was using for testing another bug. When I went into that trash folder, tb started downloading all the headers for no apparent reason. (I only store headers.) This is running with a daily I built myself and is marked 92.0a1. I haven't pull in any code updates since about end of July (other than my own changes made locally).
Yesterday I saw something very similar. I had a profile unused for a few days while working on the "Unnecessary downloads" bug. In that profile I have a "Trash" mailbox that contained thousands of old emails that I never flushed and was using for testing another bug. When I went into that trash folder, tb started downloading all the headers for no apparent reason. (I only store headers.) This is running with a daily I built myself and is marked 92.0a1. I haven't pull in any code updates since about end of July (other than my own changes made locally).

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