Thanks all! I think we may still have an ESR rule serving the old CDM. Specifically the `Bug 1677793 - Widevine 4.10.2209.1 for esr78.10.0+` rule. Would it be possible to update that one too to point to the new CDM? In case it's helpful, here are a couple of the URLs I'm prodding to see the CDM version - [ESR 91.3.0](view-source: - [ESR 78.10.0](view-source: (the build date is a bit hacky on this one and isn't strictly correct, but I don't think it should factor into rule resolution)
Bug 1737662 Comment 17 Edit History
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Thanks all! I think we may still have an ESR rule serving the old CDM. Specifically the `Bug 1677793 - Widevine 4.10.2209.1 for esr78.10.0+` rule. Would it be possible to update that one too to point to the new CDM? In case it's helpful, here are a couple of the URLs I'm prodding to see the CDM version (use view-source to see the XML served if it doesn't show) - [ESR 91.3.0]( - [ESR 78.10.0]( (the build date is a bit hacky on this one and isn't strictly correct, but I don't think it should factor into rule resolution)