># Request for data collection review form > >**All questions are mandatory. You must receive review from a data steward peer on your responses to these questions before shipping new data collection.** > >1) What questions will you answer with this data? >We want to measure visit rate of 'More From Mozilla' pane inside about:preferences. We will be collecting if a pane shown inside about:preferences is directly accessed via url, or whether it was a follow-up click (on a category name) once user got inside about:prefernces. This information will be used in an experiment that will promote Firefox VPN and other mozilla products inside Firefox Desktop. > >2) Why does Mozilla need to answer these questions? Are there benefits for users? Do we need this information to address product or business requirements? Some example responses: >Goal is to integrate our offerings better into the experiences users can seek easily. User can find more products from Mozilla within Firefox Desktop. >Metrics collected here provide information essential for advancing goal to define a product-focused way to connect Firefox desktop to other products from Mozilla. > >3) What alternative methods did you consider to answer these questions? Why were they not sufficient? >No other way to answer how user navigated to respective category pane inside about:preferences > >4) Can current instrumentation answer these questions? >No > >5) List all proposed measurements and indicate the category of data collection for each measurement, using the [Firefox data collection categories](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Data_Collection) found on the Mozilla wiki. > >**Note that the data steward reviewing your request will characterize your data collection based on the highest (and most sensitive) category.** > >Measurements are: >Interaction that resulted in showing respective category pane inside about:preferences (Category 2) >Interaction with in 'More From Mozilla' UI (Category 2) >Tracking Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1738187 > >6) Please provide a link to the documentation for this data collection which describes the ultimate data set in a public, complete, and accurate way. > >This collection is documented in its definitions files Scalars.yaml, and/or Events.yaml > >7) How long will this data be collected? Choose one of the following: > >* I want to permanently monitor this data. (@pdahiya, @gijs) > >8) What populations will you measure? > >* Which release channels? >All > >* Which countries? >All > >* Which locales? >All > >* Any other filters? Please describe in detail below. >N/A > >9) If this data collection is default on, what is the opt-out mechanism for users? >* Normal Telemetry Opt Out > >10) Please provide a general description of how you will analyze this data. >We want to know how user navigated to 'More Frome Mozilla' and will use respective value ['initial', 'click'] in event ping to determine population size of respective value group. > >Population size of which products user want to know more about will be determined by measuring clicks on >respective 'Learn More' buttons on 'More From Mozilla' pane. > > >11) Where do you intend to share the results of your analysis? > >Telemetry dashboard. > >12) Is there a third-party tool (i.e. not Telemetry) that you are proposing to use for this data collection? If so: >No, This will be collected in Main Pings
Bug 1738187 Comment 4 Edit History
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Submitting updated data review request
Submitting updated data review request, sorry for multiple obsoletes