Yes, I just dug into this again. It turns out that in Firefox, the event being fired during the emoji insertion is an `input` event (with `type=insertText`), while in Chrome it's a `textInput` event. And in fact if I remove all references to `textInput` from the code using a local file override for that script, then Chrome acts as Firefox does and "crashes". I can't quite figure out why this ultimately happens due to the minified code being super subtle, but we could resolve this issue by adding support for `textInput` events in bug 903746.
Bug 1739489 Comment 16 Edit History
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Yes, I just dug into this again. It turns out that in Firefox, the event being fired during the emoji insertion is an `input` event (with `type=insertText`), while in Chrome it's a `textInput` event. And in fact if I remove all references to `textInput` from the code using a local file override for that script, then Chrome acts as Firefox does and "crashes". I can't quite figure out why this ultimately happens due to the minified code being super subtle, but it does seem to rely on `textInput`, so we could resolve this issue by adding support for `textInput` events in bug 903746.