(In reply to Ivan Molodetskikh from comment #0) (In reply to nf.pereira from comment #29) Can you confirm that setting gfx.webrender.allow-partial-present-buffer-age to false, gfx.webrender.max-partial-present-rects to 0 on about:config and restarting Nightly fixes the problem permanently? Please test it for a few hours. (Seems similar: EGL/X11/Nvidia suffers from a partial present glitch+slowdown after suspend&resume: bug 1743051)
Bug 1744896 Comment 32 Edit History
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(In reply to Ivan Molodetskikh from comment #0) (In reply to nf.pereira from comment #29) Can you confirm that setting gfx.webrender.allow-partial-present-buffer-age to false, gfx.webrender.max-partial-present-rects to 0 on about:config and restarting Nightly fixes the problem permanently? Please test it for a few hours. (Could be related: EGL/X11/Nvidia suffers from a partial present glitch+slowdown after suspend&resume: bug 1743051)