Bug 1745205 Comment 35 Edit History

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> gene smith said, "Assuming yahoo only allows 3 connections, it looks to me like (based on testing) it's still going to fail to empty trash, even with suggested oauth2 fix..."

You left off an important part of the quote: "Assuming yahoo only allows 3 connections, it looks to me like (based on testing) it's still going to fail to empty trash, even with suggested oauth2 fix, if there are 3 connections and none of them are selected to Trash since must select Trash (4th connection) to empty it."

If possibly you had made a successful connection and select to Trash before shutting down, tb doesn't have to make a 4th connection to empty Trash since it just uses the existing Trash connection. If you didn't open Trash at any time during the session then maybe I'm wrong. But this is the behavior I observed with my tests with yahoo not liking a 4th connection.

I'll test it again but the last time I tried, yahoo was actually allowing 5 connections with no errors :( .
I haven't really tested this with "hotmail".  Can I assume the hotmail is the same as outlook.com (which I do have an account with)? Also, is your hotmail/outlook account also using oauth2 authentication on port 993. My outlook account is current using plain password authentication on port 143 with STARTTLS and I'm now seeing 5 connections to it being OK.

From comment 33:
>In general, when the user sets up a Yahoo or Hotmail account, why doesn't the system automatically set up 3 connections instead of 5?

I think this has been suggested before. But it seems to vary depending on which yahoo/hotmail server. Also, several ISPs use yahoo as their server without advertising it (e.g., Verison possibly) so those may not be possible to know exactly all the time. Also, I've never been asked to support the account setup tb software, and even this bug is in an area I've never been before.
> gene smith said, "Assuming yahoo only allows 3 connections, it looks to me like (based on testing) it's still going to fail to empty trash, even with suggested oauth2 fix..."

You left off an important part of the quote: "Assuming yahoo only allows 3 connections, it looks to me like (based on testing) it's still going to fail to empty trash, even with suggested oauth2 fix, if there are 3 connections and none of them are selected to Trash since must select Trash (4th connection) to empty it."

If possibly you had made a successful connection and select to Trash before shutting down, tb doesn't have to make a 4th connection to empty Trash since it just uses the existing Trash connection. If you didn't open Trash at any time during the session then maybe I'm wrong. But this is the behavior I observed with my tests with yahoo not liking a 4th connection.

I'll test it again but the last time I tried, yahoo was actually allowing 5 connections with no errors :( .
I haven't really tested this with "hotmail".  Can I assume the hotmail is the same as outlook.com (which I do have an account with)? Also, is your hotmail/outlook account also using oauth2 authentication on port 993. My outlook account is current using plain password authentication on port 143 with STARTTLS and I'm now seeing 5 connections to it being OK.

From comment 33:
>In general, when the user sets up a Yahoo or Hotmail account, why doesn't the system automatically set up 3 connections instead of 5?

I think this has been suggested before. But it seems to vary depending on which yahoo/hotmail server. Also, several ISPs use yahoo as their server without advertising it (e.g., Verizon possibly) so those may not be possible to know exactly all the time. Also, I've never been asked to support the account setup tb software, and even this bug is in an area I've never been before.

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