> There is no issue (and has never been) with äöü. The problem only arises if the foldername has a trailing space AND the folder is used as a special folder. The topic of this bug is "Problems if foldername has trailing white-space or non-ASCII characters like "äöü" (webexperiment, compFields.fcc)". Additionally, you stated in Comment #0: > Even worse, if the original foldername contains non-Ascii characters (e.g. 'Späce '), the newly created folder contains encoded characters (e.g. 'Sp&AOQ-ce'). All I want to find out, if that `Späce` issue has been resolved by now, as Mark suggested, so I can concentrate on the trailing space issue.
Bug 1746348 Comment 14 Edit History
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> There is no issue (and has never been) with äöü. The problem only arises if the foldername has a trailing space AND the folder is used as a special folder. The topic of this bug is "Problems if foldername has trailing white-space or non-ASCII characters like "äöü" (webexperiment, compFields.fcc)". Additionally, you stated in Comment #0: > Even worse, if the original foldername contains non-Ascii characters (e.g. 'Späce '), the newly created folder contains encoded characters (e.g. 'Sp&AOQ-ce'). All I want to find out: Has that `Späce` issue been resolved by now, as Mark suggested, so I can concentrate on the trailing space issue?
> There is no issue (and has never been) with äöü. The problem only arises if the foldername has a trailing space AND the folder is used as a special folder. The topic of this bug is "Problems if foldername has trailing white-space or non-ASCII characters like "äöü" (webexperiment, compFields.fcc)". Additionally, you stated in Comment #0: > Even worse, if the original foldername contains non-Ascii characters (e.g. 'Späce '), the newly created folder contains encoded characters (e.g. 'Sp&AOQ-ce'). All I want to find out: Has that `Späce ` issue been resolved by now, as Mark suggested, so I can concentrate on the trailing space issue? Or is it still using the bad encoding when creating the new folder with the trailing space?
> There is no issue (and has never been) with äöü. The problem only arises if the foldername has a trailing space AND the folder is used as a special folder. The topic of this bug is "Problems if foldername has trailing white-space or non-ASCII characters like "äöü" (webexperiment, compFields.fcc)". Additionally, you stated in Comment #0: > Even worse, if the original foldername contains non-Ascii characters (e.g. 'Späce '), the newly created folder contains encoded characters (e.g. 'Sp&AOQ-ce'). All I want to find out: Has that `Späce ` issue been resolved by now, as Mark suggested, so I can concentrate on the trailing space issue? Or is it still using the bad encoding when creating the new folder due to the trailing space?