Bug 1752307 Comment 18 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #17)
> The "this.uri is undefined" issue was fixed in bug 1765247

Maybe it was fixed but this bug still seems present. Got hit this morning.

05:54:37.705 TypeError: calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a functionCalAlarmMonitor.jsm:205:24
    mAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm:205
    filter self-hosted:201
    onRemoveAlarmsByItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm:201
    notify resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm:38
    removeAlarmsForItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:495
    findAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:747
    run resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calIteratorUtils.jsm:78

05:54:37.705 [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a function" {file: "resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm" line: 205}]'[JavaScript Error: "calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a function" {file: "resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm" line: 205}]' when calling method: [calIAlarmServiceObserver::onRemoveAlarmsByItem]"  nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)"  location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm :: notify :: line 38"  data: yes] calDataUtils.jsm:38:23
    notify resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm:38
    removeAlarmsForItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:495
    findAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:747
    run resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calIteratorUtils.jsm:78

05:54:50.933 TypeError: foundItem is nullCalDavCalendar.jsm:1040:24

And if I try and do Dismiss all and then choose Submit My Changes Anyway, error console spits out:

06:05:42.773 PUT https://apidata.googleusercontent.com/caldav/v2/<removed>@gmail.com/events/74f357eb-5add-4b3c-acba-4502f2e07f21.ics [HTTP/3 409 Conflict 137ms]

And if I try and do Dismiss all and then choose Discard My Changes And Reload, error console spits out:

06:07:53.182 PUThttps://apidata.googleusercontent.com/caldav/v2/<removed>@gmail.com/events/a6b46728-0aee-4251-a392-96e5f0ce5096.ics
[HTTP/3 412 Precondition Failed 121ms]

I get stuck and the event reminder window is stuck. All I can do is click the close button [X].

In this case, I shut down and restarted TB and found the offending event and edited it to fire off on the 29th now. The vent reminder window shut up for now. =)
(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #17)
> The "this.uri is undefined" issue was fixed in bug 1765247

Maybe it was fixed but this bug still seems present. Got hit this morning.

05:54:37.705 TypeError: calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a functionCalAlarmMonitor.jsm:205:24
    mAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm:205
    filter self-hosted:201
    onRemoveAlarmsByItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm:201
    notify resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm:38
    removeAlarmsForItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:495
    findAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:747
    run resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calIteratorUtils.jsm:78

05:54:37.705 [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a function" {file: "resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm" line: 205}]'[JavaScript Error: "calAlarmWindow.removeWidgetFor is not a function" {file: "resource:///modules/CalAlarmMonitor.jsm" line: 205}]' when calling method: [calIAlarmServiceObserver::onRemoveAlarmsByItem]"  nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)"  location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm :: notify :: line 38"  data: yes] calDataUtils.jsm:38:23
    notify resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDataUtils.jsm:38
    removeAlarmsForItem resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:495
    findAlarms resource:///modules/CalAlarmService.jsm:747
    run resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calIteratorUtils.jsm:78

05:54:50.933 TypeError: foundItem is nullCalDavCalendar.jsm:1040:24

And if I try and do Dismiss all and then choose Submit My Changes Anyway, error console spits out:

06:05:42.773 PUT https://apidata.googleusercontent.com/caldav/v2/<removed>@gmail.com/events/74f357eb-5add-4b3c-acba-4502f2e07f21.ics [HTTP/3 409 Conflict 137ms]

And if I try and do Dismiss all and then choose Discard My Changes And Reload, error console spits out:

06:07:53.182 PUThttps://apidata.googleusercontent.com/caldav/v2/<removed>@gmail.com/events/a6b46728-0aee-4251-a392-96e5f0ce5096.ics
[HTTP/3 412 Precondition Failed 121ms]

I get stuck and the event reminder window is stuck. All I can do is click the close button [X].

In this case, I shut down and restarted TB and found the offending event and edited it to fire off on the 29th now. The event reminder window shut up for now. =)

Back to Bug 1752307 Comment 18