**Note** * According to the [Nimbus Experiment Brief for PiP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bxe_a3tk76MHdGCxMtfJ5KVLMDlNoX0QktiItKBm1ak/edit), when the user "interacts with the video" in a fresh profile, a Telemetry event pictureinpicture.saw_toggle with an attribute firstTime should be recorded, however, this event will only be displayed in the about:telemetry after the user CLICKS on the PiP button/toggle. **Affected versions** * Nightly v99.0a1 **Affected platforms** * all **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch browser with a new profile. (media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.has-used = false) 2. Open any video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaUemcqIQ-k) 3. Interact with the video (play/pause/hover the PiP button/toggle); Make sure that the PiP button/toggle gets displayed. 4. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: A scalar named "pictureinpicture#saw_toggle#toggle" gets incremented at every appearance of the PiP button/toggle (when hovering a video). **Expected result** * An event should be displayed like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Actual result** * No PiP events are being displayed on the Telemetry page. 5. Go back to the Youtube video tab and click the PiP toggle. 6. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: Only now, an event is being shown like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Regression range** * Not a recent regression. **Additional notes** * It appears that it is expected to record the "pictureinpicture saw_toggle" event the second it gets displayed, when in fact, it only gets recorded after clicking the PiP button/toggle. It is yet unknown if this behavior is correct or acceptable. * Feel free to close the issue if invalid.
Bug 1754974 Comment 0 Edit History
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**Note** * According to the [Nimbus Experiment Brief for PiP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bxe_a3tk76MHdGCxMtfJ5KVLMDlNoX0QktiItKBm1ak/edit), when the user "interacts with the video" in a fresh profile, a Telemetry event pictureinpicture.saw_toggle with an attribute firstTime should be recorded, however, this event will only be displayed in the about:telemetry after the user CLICKS on the PiP button/toggle. **Affected versions** * Nightly v99.0a1 **Affected platforms** * all **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch browser with a new profile. (media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.has-used = false) 2. Open any video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaUemcqIQ-k) 3. Interact with the video (play/pause/hover the PiP button/toggle); Make sure that the PiP button/toggle gets displayed. 4. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: A scalar named "pictureinpicture#saw_toggle#toggle" gets incremented at every appearance of the PiP button/toggle (when hovering a video). **Expected result** * An event should be displayed like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Actual result** * No PiP events are being displayed on the Telemetry page. 5. Go back to the Youtube video tab and click the PiP toggle. 6. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: Only now, an event is being shown like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Regression range** * Not a recent regression. **Additional notes** * It appears that it is expected to record the "pictureinpicture saw_toggle" event the second it gets displayed, when in fact, it only gets recorded after clicking the PiP button/toggle. It is yet unknown if this behavior is correct or acceptable. * Feel free to close the issue if invalid. Let me know if you need the description modified. * This issue also occurs in the case of Amazon Prime videos.
**Note** * According to the [Nimbus Experiment Brief for PiP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bxe_a3tk76MHdGCxMtfJ5KVLMDlNoX0QktiItKBm1ak/edit), when the user "interacts with the video" in a fresh profile, a Telemetry event pictureinpicture.saw_toggle with an attribute firstTime should be recorded, however, this event will only be displayed in the about:telemetry after the user CLICKS on the PiP button/toggle. **Affected versions** * Nightly v99.0a1 **Affected platforms** * all **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch browser with a new profile. (media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.has-used = false) 2. Open any video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaUemcqIQ-k) 3. Interact with the video (play/pause/hover the PiP button/toggle); Make sure that the PiP button/toggle gets displayed. 4. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: A scalar named "pictureinpicture#saw_toggle#toggle" gets incremented at every appearance of the PiP button/toggle (when hovering a video). **Expected result** * An event should be displayed like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Actual result** * No PiP events are being displayed on the Telemetry page. 5. Go back to the Youtube video tab and click the PiP toggle. 6. Go to about:telemetry and search events for "pictureinpicture" Observe: Only now, an event is being shown like: 122650 pictureinpicture saw_toggle toggle null {"firstTime": "true"} **Regression range** * Not a recent regression. **Additional notes** * It appears that it is expected to record the "pictureinpicture saw_toggle" event the second it gets displayed, when in fact, it only gets recorded after clicking the PiP button/toggle. It is yet unknown if this behavior is correct or acceptable. * Feel free to close the issue if invalid. Let me know if you need the description modified. * This issue also occurs in the case of Amazon Prime and Twitch videos.